Workshop | Brown, Black, Queer and In-Between: Remembrance

In connection with the on-going studies of PhD candidate Iury Salustiano Trojaborg at Malmö Theatre Academy and Agenda 2030 Graduate School.
Including breakfast, lunch and fika!
Registration required: Please, send an e-mail to iury [dot] salustiano_trojaborg [at] thm [dot] lu [dot] se (iury[dot]salustiano_trojaborg[at]thm[dot]lu[dot]se), stating the reasons why you would like to participate in the workshop until 5 April 2025 at the latest.
Following up on the workshop "Identity and Change-Making: Black, Brown, and Queer Experiences in the Nordics", facilitated by Nana Osei-Kofi in November 2024, we will continue our work of community building through creative storytelling. This time our work will be focused on counter-archiving as a black feminist methodology of care.
How do we remember, and more importantly who do we remember?
As black and brown people living in the Nordics we rarely figure in public archives. This is true for the way we tell stories of queer resistance and struggles for liberation as well.
Inspired by queer of colour and black feminist approaches to memory and counter-archiving, we will explore what we know, and don’t know about our kin from the past. Who has been organising for queer, black and brown liberation before us? How are we connected to our ancestors, by blood and by collective struggle?
Each participant will bring the name of a person, known or unknown that has lived before them and that they would like to inscribe into a collective counter-archive. The second part of the workshop will be an exercise in developing our personal archives through creative journaling practices.
Facilitator: Oda-Kange Midtvåge Diallo
Target audience: QTBIPOC Community
About the event
Inter Arts Center, Bergsgatan 29, 214 22 Malmö (Black Room)
sylvia [dot] lysko [at] iac [dot] lu [dot] se