Immersive Days #1: Celsius Projects – Exhibition presentation / Lecture with Lena Bergendahl, Max Ockborn, Francis Patrick Brady
10 June 2021, at 16:00
Lecture about the Celsius Projects – exhibition presentation by Lena Bergendahl and Max Ockborn and Francis Patrick Brady
Location: streamed via Zoom
“All about: Something about the realities we share and the realities we don’t”
Celsius Projects presents a talk all about the exhibition series ‘Something about the realities we share and the realities we don’t’ which explores the various physical and virtual realities that exist in time and space. We consider the concept of sharing and how our relationship towards realities, as individuals and groups, changes over time depending on how, why, or if we are able to share time and space with each other.
About the exhibition:
Celsius Projects presents the second part of our exhibition series ‘Something about the realities we share and the realities we don’t’. The exhibition series explores the bridges and resonances between the digital, online, physical and analog world we live in. This second part features the artist duo Lundahl & Seitl and Pia Eikaas and will take place at different locations across Malmö; at the exhibitions space at Celsius Projects, at Inter Arts Center, and at an outdoor location. It also coincides with the Immersive Days #1 organised by Inter Arts Center. Pia Eikaas’ work will be located at the Celsius Projects exhibition text along with a text by Henning Lundkvist.
The first part of the exhibition series involved the artists Johan Lundin and Anna Kinbom, and the third installment will involve the artists Rut Karin Zettergren and Matilde Westavik Gaustad.
Read more about the exhibition “Something about the realities we share and the realities we don’t”